12 days out from the PBM

Got drains OUT today! I am sorry I haven’t written. The last few days have been a whirlwind of medication, visitors, cleaning, driving to target and getting in huge trouble for it, and eating as much delicious food as possible. So much for losing weight! I practically look pregnant with my huge gut and no boobs to speak of! Monday I got a 50cc fill on the right and now I’m even with 200ccs on each side. One nipple looks black still but they keep claiming in a while the scab will fall off and my nipple will reappear. Who the hell knows at this point. I’m in a tizzy of writing thank you cards, showing my plants some love, organizing my socks and underwear drawers, and generally doing and whole bunch of crap I’m not supposed to. So I took my first real shower today and washed by own hair and my own butt! It was very liberating to say the least! Sore, sore under the arms though. I always over do it. Anyways, I can’t wait to sleep on my sides tonight and be able to be more comfortable without the drains. Still a lot of soreness and pressure on my upper chest/ sternum area. My hospital stay was insane and I’m glad to be home. Not looking forward to much right now but getting off all these drugs and getting my to do list full of check marks. Talk to ya’ll soon. (No, I’m not from the south, I just like saying ya’ll sometimes!) xoxo

One thought on “12 days out from the PBM

  1. Glad you are making progress in your recovery and feeling relatively well! I think the first shower I took post-PBM was the best shower of my life. 🙂

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